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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/11/15 Three Steps for New Life in Christ Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876573_64kbs__4674916158b6e65643070024861408.mp3
01/04/15 I Choose Joy Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876572_64kbs__90083162458b6e64ee2bcd652752598.mp3
12/28/14 Marks of True Devotion Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876571_64kbs__192597104658b6e6417f8d1640205553.mp3
12/28/14 Resolutions to Keep Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876570_64kbs__144403547758b6e63a9f4a5457563652.mp3
12/21/14 By Way of Reminder Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876569_64kbs__182771751358b6e632815e8873963738.mp3
12/21/14 When Jesus is Preached Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876568_64kbs__105894018858b6e62d6a959255290710.mp3
12/14/14 What About Religion Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876567_64kbs__13807496658b6e627bf957225087947.mp3
12/14/14 Pairs for Faithfulness Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876566_64kbs__18145529658b6e623b9fae552644719.mp3
12/07/14 The Battle for the Pulpit Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876565_64kbs__88168869358b6e61f0d7c8500221425.mp3
11/30/14 Myths about Mary Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876564_64kbs__153646202758b6e61b21213036526596.mp3
11/30/14 Why Jesus Came Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876563_64kbs__40105286458b6e6164bef8644082682.mp3
11/23/14 Lessons of Love and Forgiveness Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876562_64kbs__154865199558b6e60fe6557253055234.mp3
11/23/14 The Indescribable Gift Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876561_64kbs__51627240058b6e60aa2826863694981.mp3
11/09/14 A Love Like Christ Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876560_64kbs__67372102458b6e60666d0c199728309.mp3
11/09/14 Why Few Will Be Saved Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876559_64kbs__10725197658b6e602709e3847905760.mp3
11/02/14 Why I Disagree With The Pope Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876558_64kbs__174201710758b6e5fcd15a8741463867.mp3
08/10/14 I Believe in Heaven Ross Oldenkamp Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876583_64kbs__149937308858b6e6a0c5b22267100232.mp3
08/10/14 I Believe in I and Us Don Hooton Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876581_64kbs__148922582558b6e6958916c256198241.mp3
08/09/14 I Believe in the Bible Cody Chesser Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876580_64kbs__31465452058b6e68a4c175368910656.mp3
08/09/14 I Believe in Hell Caleb Churchill Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876579_64kbs__160390001358b6e6847be2c078789208.mp3
08/08/14 I Believe in God Ross Oldenkamp Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876582_64kbs__74192307758b6e69b23ff0812362974.mp3
08/08/14 I Believe in Jesus Caleb Churchill Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876578_64kbs__71467977858b6e67c9d2a9845228786.mp3
03/26/14 What Motives Gary Henry Sermon Diligently Seeking God Sunday 20876557_64kbs__187591156458b6e5f7e1478421811978.mp3
03/25/14 Why is Diligence so Important Gary Henry Sermon Diligently Seeking God Sunday 20876556_64kbs__157050046858b6e5ed6f843409340165.mp3
03/25/14 What God is Doing in Christ Gary Henry Sermon Diligently Seeking God Sunday 20876555_64kbs__132365429558b6e5e6f093f128490174.mp3

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